Saturday, July 2, 2011

Birdtown Comics: The Benevolent Little Concubine

"Kiko!", exclaimed Hiroshimo, in that annoying shrill voice he always used when imbibed on one too many shots of sake. "Bring me my kimono and my flip flops, pronto. I'm going out."
Kiko's face fell, and so did all her white makeup, washing off with each sullen tear. "I was hoping you would stay home tonight and partake in another one of my steamed-rice baths", she murmered, as she begrudgingly fetched the sequined flip flops and that hideous kimono. That freaking HIDEOUS kimono, yes. Suddenly, and without warning, with one eyebrow raised, Kiko also fetched his HariKari sword and with one fell swoop, decapitated the pet monkey

knock knock